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The X-Files - 'Collector's Box Set': USA Pricing, More Art, Fox Says 'New Extras'

We updated you the other day (Wednesday of this week) with official word from Fox Home Entertainment verifying the pre-order listing for The X-Files - Collector's Box Set: The Original Seasons 1-9 on high-def Blu-ray Disc.
Our readers have hoped for confirmation that this item is coming to the USA as well, and today Fox provided that! It will be out in the States on the same date, December 8th, and with a list price of $299.00 SRP. That sounds like a lot, but indications from the home video industry is that consumers will be able to get that discounted as much as half off (so figure a street price of $150 to $200, for all nine seasons).
What about new bonus material? Will there be extras on these discs which weren't on the DVD versions? Fox's new description says there will be: "For the first time ever, experience the original X-Files series on Blu-ray. Relive all nine seasons in high definition and uncover new mysteries with over 23 hours of exclusive special features."
What about individual season sets? Will the seasons be sold separately, so fans can pick and choose their favorite seasons from the show's 9-year run? Fox hasn't specifically said so, but don't forget that the links we provided in our original report still work, for individual season sets. And U.S. residents can order those from if you want; just log in with your username and password. isn't taking pre-orders for any of this yet, but stay tuned. In the meantime, here's a new "beauty shot" package image that Fox Home Entertainment has distributed, followed by the original box image, followed by the trailer for the upcoming revival 6-episode X-Files revival event, which debuts on Fox near the end of January:
The X-files Season 1-9 DVD Boxset English Version

The X-files Season 1-9 DVD Boxset English Version

  • Price:$59.99
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Date:2015-10-9 【Return】