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Justice League - Availability Date, Pricing for 'Justice League Unlimited' on Blu-ray ***UPDATED***

Just last week we brought you the heads-up about Justice League Unlimited, but we didn't have a date for you at the time. Do we have one for you now? Well, as of this writing the Warner Archive Collection hasn't announced it yet, neither officially nor through their social media presence on sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Tumblr. Nor is it currently up for pre-order at the HIDVDS online studio store, or other Warner Archive sellers (such as But yesterday afternoon, the folks at VideoETA - a website produced by wholesaler/distributor Ingram Entertainment - added a listing that shows an MOD (manufacture on demand) release of Justice League - Unlimited: The Complete Series is scheduled to be available on November 10th. Cost shown is $35.99 SRP for these final 39 episodes of the show which began as simply "Justice League." Details and cover art weren't provided, and we don't know if this date and cost info is finalized just yet. Stay tuned for updates!

Date:2015-9-26 【Return】