A medical drama that's heavy on the drama, Grey's Anatomy follows the personal and professional lives of the doctors of Seattle's Grace Hospital. Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) is the show's namesake and narrator, but just one of many in an ensemble cast that includes such memorable characters as McDreamy (Patrick Dempsey) and McSteamy (Eric Dane). "Greys Anatomy", a surprisingly fresh dramedy about the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their superiors. Meredith is finding herself, not only in the surgical world, but in her personal life. Her mother is a surgeon suffering from Alzheimer's, her father is dead. She falls in love with the handsome Chief Neurosurgeon, Dr. Derek Shepard played by Patrick Dempsey. She later finds out he is married to a pediatric surgeon. Her new roommates are all surgical interns: T.R. Knight as bumbling, inept, George O'Malley; Sandra Oh, as Cristina Yang , one of my favorites, and Katherine Heigl as Isobel "Izzie" Stevens. Cristina Yang has a one night affair with the hunky,Chief Surgical Resident, Preston Burke; that moves onto "true" lust. They are so diametrically different that the old saying" opposites attract" is, oh, so true. And, then, there is "The Nazi",Chandra Wilson as Dr. Miranda Bailey. She whips the new interns into shape and keeps them on their toes. It turns out she has a heart as big as Kansas, but then, don't they all?